Conversations with God – Neale Donald Walsch


Volume 2 – can be read as a stand-alone book

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Book Condition: Good
ISBN: 9780340765449
Book Cover: Softcover
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… this paradigm shift will take great wisdom, great courage, and massive determination. For fear will strike at the heart of these concepts, and call them false. Fear will eat at the core of these magnificent truths, and make them appear hollow… Yet you will not have, cannot produce, the society of which you have always dreamed unless and until you see with wisdom and clarity the ultimate truth: that what you do to others, you do to yourself; what you fail to do for others, you fail to do for yourself, that the pain of others is of others your joy, and that when you disclaim any part of it, you disclaim a part of yourself. Now is the time to reclaim yourself. Now is the time to see yourself again Who You Really Are, and thus, render yourself as visible again. For when you, and your true relationship with God, become visible, then We are indivisible. And nothing will ever divide Us again.

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