Poets of the English Language Vol I-III – WH Auden


Published in 1950

Set of 3 volumes

Damage to the outer cover in spine area of volume 2 – can be repaired

Age related discolouration adding to the vintage feel

Some of the pictures have been edited to make the writing more visible

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Book Condition: Acceptable
Book Cover: Hardcover
Bee's Books


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Includes the following works:

William Langland, Richard Rolle, John Gower, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Lyndgate, Thomas Hoccleve, King James I of Scotland, Robert Henryson, William Dunbar, Gavin Douglas, Stephen Hawes, John Skelton, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Thomas, Lord Vaux, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, George Gascoigne, Sir Edward Dyer, Sir Philip Sidney, Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, Sir Walter Raleigh, Richard Staynhurst, Robert Southwell, Henry Constable, William Alabaster, Sir John Davies, George Peele, Thomas Lodge, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe, Edmund Bolton, Bartholomew Griffin, Samuel Daniel, Thomas Campion, Michael Drayton, George Chapman, John Marston, William Shakespeare, John Webster, Ben Jonson, John Fletcher, Thomas Middleton, Cyril Tourneur, John Ford, John Donne, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, William Drummond of Hawthornden, William Browne, Henry King, James Shirley, William Strode, Aurelian Townshend, Sir Richard Fanshawe, William Cartwright, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, Thomas Traherne, Abraham Cowley, Andrew Marvell, John Milton, Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, Samuel Butler, Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew, Sir John Suckling, Richard Lovelace, Edmund Waller,  Charles Cotton, John Dryden, William Wilmott, Earl of Rochester, John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, Matthew Prior, Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea, Joseph Addison, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, John Gay, Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, Matthew Green, John Dyer, James Thomson, Samuel Johnson, Mark Akenside, Joseph Warton, Thomas Warton, William Collins, Thomas Gray, John Wolcot, Christopher Smart, William Cowper, Oliver Goldsmith

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