South Africa in Two World Wars: A Newspaper History of South Africa – Vic Alhadeff

Original price was: R400,00.Current price is: R250,00.

The dust cover of this book has some damage on the front, back and spine. Considered normal damage since the book was published in 1979. The inside pages show some signs of being used, but no extreme damage. No torn or missing pages.

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Book Condition: Very Good
ISBN: 090923843X
Book Cover: Hardcover
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South Africa in Two World Wars is a gripping account of South Africa’s involvement in World War 1 and 2, recaptured by those who took part and reflected through the newspapers of the time.

As he did with his best selling book, Vic Alhadeff punctuates the narritive with piognant first-hand anecdotes and takes readers behind the front line into the heat of the battle, to where a staggering sixty million men, women and children died

  • Private Fred Hampson relives the hell that was the Battle of Delville Wood…
  • The assassination of the Archduke of Austria
  • 1914 Rebellion
  • East African Campaign
  • Chamberlain’s ultimatum to Germany
  • Dan Pienaar, Sidi Rezegh, Gazala, Tobruk, El Alamein – names which have become legend in South African history – are all brought back to life

The tales are countless, stark, and chilling. Plunging the reader into the trenches and prisoner-of-war camps.

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