Some people are naturally handy with tools, others usually learn the hard way, often with crude and unsatisfying results. You may envy the ease with which a handyman friend or neighbour makes a bookcase or builds a garden pool, and wish you could tackle the job with the same assurance of success.
The Reader’s Digest Do-It-Yourself Manual provides concise, easily understandable information which makes it possible for even the inexperienced to carry out successfully hundreds of projects and repairs with the twofold reward of financial saving and pride in personal accomplishment. If you are an experienced man, you will find that the Manual is packed full of designs and ideas, and you will welcome the step-by-step instructions and detailed listing of materials which will save you time and money.
The Manual, the most comprehensive work of its kind yet produced for South African conditions, has been compiled with the help and guidance of technical experts, architects, builders and master craftsmen to ensure that all methods are correct. However, its keynote is practicality – all processes are explained in simple, easy-to-understand terms.
Correct procedures – the simplest and most direct – are lucidly described, and the accompanying illustrations make it easy to follow every step of construction or repair.
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