Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince – J.K. Rowling


Published by Bloomsbury in 2006 as a First Edition of 607 pages.

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Book Condition: Like New
ISBN: 9780747584681
Book Cover: Softcover
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In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth book in J.K. Rowling’s beloved series, the wizarding world is in turmoil as Voldemort’s power grows stronger. Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his sixth year, where he delves into the mysterious past of Tom Riddle with the help of Professor Dumbledore.

The story follows Harry as he takes private lessons with Dumbledore, exploring memories that reveal crucial insights into Voldemort’s rise to power. Meanwhile, Harry stumbles upon an old Potions textbook marked as the property of the “Half-Blood Prince,” filled with clever spells and notes. As Harry excels in Potions class, the true identity of the Half-Blood Prince becomes one of the year’s many mysteries.

Romantic entanglements, evolving friendships, and unexpected betrayals add emotional weight to the narrative. The looming presence of Voldemort casts a dark shadow, leading to a tragic loss that changes everything for Harry and his friends.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a gripping, emotional installment that sets the stage for the series’ epic conclusion.

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