We’re thrilled to have you on board! To ensure our collaboration is smooth and successful, we want to make sure you understand how Bookle Marketplace works. Our goal is to create a trusted and beloved space for book buyers as well as our vendors.
To help you get started, we’ve put together an insightful Knowledge Base filled with everything you need to know (and more!). You can find it right at the top of your vendor dashboard.
Before we can go live with your listings, please take a moment to confirm that you’ve read and understood the essential information below:
I understand the importance of accurate and timely stock management, and I acknowledge that all my listed books must be available for sale.
I am familiar with the order flow and processes and will adhere to them.
I understand how payments to TradeSafe and payouts from TradeSafe work.
I am aware of how Bookle’s commission system operates.
I understand that packaging costs are the vendor’s responsibility and that it is recommended to be near a PUDO locker station.
I will use the Listings Checklist to ensure my listings are accurate and complete.
Please remember, any misuse of Bookle’s website or failure to fulfil orders is taken very seriously. Non-cooperative behaviour may result in the suspension or permanent closure of your store.
Thank you for helping us make Bookle a trusted marketplace for book lovers!
Now, to wrap things up, please complete the following: