A good-looking copy. Some shelfwear. The spine is somewhat creased with a very small tear at the bottom. The cover’s corners are slightly turned up. Old stickers on the back of the cover. Old stamp and date on a non-essential page.
Jessica Wells. A high-flying lawyer who has it all. Successful career, loving husband Tom and a family she adores. But one case – and client – will put all that at risk.
Edward Blake. An ordinary life turned upside down – or a man who quietly watched television while his wife was murdered upstairs? With more questions than answers and a case too knotted to unravel, Jessica suspects he’s protecting someone.
Then she comes home one day and her husband utters the words no one ever wants to hear. Sit down… I have something to tell you.
Now Jessica must fight not only for the man she defends, but for the man she thought she trusted with her life…