Learn how to add a cover picture with our short tutorial. (Do you need a lovely cover picture? Click here to explore a selection of images we have prepared for our sellers.)
When uploading a cover photo for your store, you may include your email address, but no other contact details, such as WhatsApp numbers or phone numbers, are allowed.
How to add a profile picture?
To upload a profile picture, follow the same steps as you would for the cover picture. Don’t have a logo? Click here to explore a selection of images we have prepared for our sellers.
How to complete your store setup?
Learn how to complete your store setup with our short tutorial.
How to complete your TradeSafe payment details?
Please note:
Before adding your first listing, you must set up your payment details.
The banking details are not saved on the website; they are securely stored with TradeSafe.
Once TradeSafe disburses the funds to the respective parties, it will take the usual EFT processing time for the payment to clear.
The default payout option is “Wallet – manual withdrawal,” meaning you must manually request a withdrawal. Additionally, there are three other payout options: immediate, weekly, and monthly. If you select the monthly payout option, no payout fee will apply. For other options, a fee of R5 (excluding VAT) will be charged.
Learn how to complete your TradeSafe payment details with our short tutorial.
Vendor Dashboard
Once you have registered as a vendor, you will have access to both the vendor dashboard and the buyer dashboard. To access the vendor dashboard, you first need to go to the buyer dashboard. Click on the “My Account” icon to reach the buyer dashboard.
Once there, click on the “Go to Vendor Dashboard” button. You will then be directed to the vendor dashboard.
Please note that even as a vendor, you can still make purchases from other vendors. Your orders will be visible on the buyer dashboard.